Jup’ed Up ~ 23/24 Jun 2015

First of all, it’s late in the day here in Arizona... and at this time of day not too hot to think up a sizzling SkyScraping post. Since it’s the cusp of midnight and with Mercury and Mars (just barely) in Gemini, it seems right to give both days a shout out, especially while invoking the potential benefits of Jupiter who would likely include anyone who shows up.

Why not be magnanimous these days? Not only have Jupiter in Leo, with Venus approaching, been giving us glorious sunset views, they are now trine Uranus. Yes, there are possibilities out there and perhaps progress in long-entrenched doctrines (or tradition) can shift for the better. What a great time to revisit concepts, beliefs, operating systems (real world and psychologically based) and easing into new philosophical paradigms. Ultimately, if you’re not thinking things that will bring the kinds of yummy things you want into your life, it’s time to get that shifted.

In but days Jupiter trines Eris. If there was ever to get back into the spectrum where you feel you most belong, this is it. Take action based upon solid, inspired beliefs that let the Universe know it’s cool for you to fall into the fold of life wherein you can apply your greatest attributes. Overcome exclusion by presenting what you have to offer, from good ideas to an upbeat state of being, and let those around you realize that you’re quite a good contributor to have on the team.

Tomorrow Mars moves into Cancer and opposes a series of x-ray eclipsing binary pulsars that spin at unbelievably fast rates. Bottom line, cease conversation about the way it used to be, what went wrong before or detailing any outcome that landed in a less than nominal zone. With all that out of the way, it’s time to get amping... that’s like being Jup’ed up. Focus on what you want to come to pass, put it in play and stay focused on the effort.

Notice what hobbies, avocational desires, or creative urges attract your attention. When they do, go with it. Work with them until the energy expires. Then step back, admire your renderings and relax a spell. When the creative surge returns, go with it again. If following this rhythm, astounding accomplishment heaps up, and faster that might be expected. In fact, it may seem super human. It doesn’t hurt to imagine being the hero in your own perfectly scripted Marvel graphic novel.

This window of Jupiter-Eris pattern lasts until mid-July. Might as well get going with it now. On July 25th Venus moves into retrograde motion. We’ll deal with that soon in upcoming SkyScrapings. For now, just mark that the rarest planet to retrograde is fixing to do so. And that rare planet deals with wants, desires, social interactions, relationships and monetary scenarios. Whatever you can do right now to prepare is more than a good thing.

And there’s that other Jupiter thing... the one that occurs well before Jupiter changes signs, heading into Virgo (Aug 11). That other thing is the Jupiter - Saturn thing. On August 3rd, Jupiter from Leo, squares Saturn retrograde in Scorpio.

Actually, there could not be a superior planetary square than one between Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter hits the gas as hard as he can; Saturn regulates the use of excessive speed such that a safe arrival at ones intended destination occurs and with desired results. The heart expands. The heart contracts. Together, the contradicting processes combine to deliver blood throughout the body.

Jupiter represents goals and aspirations with no known limits. Saturn delivers the parameters of the real world. Together, they conspire to produce safe, content-bearing achievement.

Yes, the upcoming Jupiter and Saturn square will work to bring good stuff. But if one waits until that transit forms in the sky, the energy already begins to wane.

The present day trine of Jupiter to Uranus asks for unbounded imagination and conceptualization. Go beyond the beyond!

The immediately upcoming trine of Jupiter to Eris insists that one carry in the consciousness the belief that efforts taken benefit all who encounter the influence of effort. Acceptance and inclusion of even the most far-reaching aspiration into the established order can result. A computer company has just announced a way, using real time video, to see through tractor trailer trucks on the highway for safer driving.

These two Jup’ed up preparatory transit mechanisms fueled by the Mars passage to a plethora of pulsars promise that those ramping it up right now will benefit and benefit greatly. As will those reaching to engage the can-do, get going impulse of Mars. Those who extend into unknown dimensions with a sense that their efforts can induce enough of a pause for collective consciousness to get it and shift produce great results. And they will be good to go when Jupiter and Saturn determine the proper gear ratio for the road ahead during their early August square dance.

It’s a brand-new season. Refresh energies are in the air. The restoration of possibility and optimism titillates the shifting seasonal winds. Step outside after sunset. Check out the spectacular display of Jupiter and Venus on the horizon. Consider how they reach beyond what can be seen (per the unseen trines to Uranus and Eris). Let those emanations creep into your system and see what you can perceive that lies beyond the obvious.

Give it a go!

More soon.